by Lana B. Patitucci, D.O. | May 20, 2024 | Bad Breath
If ever you’ve caught a whiff of something stinky while someone’s been speaking to you (or even while you’ve been speaking yourself), you have just been the unfortunate victim of halitosis. About Halitosis As the title of this blog may have given away, halitosis is...
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by Donald M. Sesso, D.O. | Aug 16, 2023 | Bad Breath, Sore Throat, Tonsilloliths
You can get stones in your kidneys, your gall bladder, your ears, and apparently also your tonsils. Also known as tonsilloliths, tonsil stones aren’t quite a medical emergency and often can resolve on their own. However, they can occasionally cause some problems,...
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by Lana B. Patitucci, D.O. | Jan 13, 2017 | Bad Breath, Halitosis
Not much is worse than bad breath. Socially, it can be a death knell to relationships and party invitations and medically it could mean you need a healthier mouth. It’s estimated that one in four people globally suffer from bad breath regularly and that includes more...
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