Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Removes sinus blockages caused by chronic sinusitis

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Audio Introduction
We can permanently relieve nasal and sinus obstruction, and also eliminate chronic infection. Click to hear more about endoscopic sinus surgery.
Endoscopic sinus surgery is a medical procedure that eliminates blockages in the sinuses caused by chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, nasal congestion, nasal obstruction, or nasal tumors.
These blockages can manifest themselves in the form of facial pain, facial pressure, headaches, drainage problems, recurrent nasal infections, breathing difficulties, and loss of smell.
Benefits of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
The benefit of endoscopic sinus surgery is improved sinus drainage and nasal airflow, reduced amount of sinus infections, improved sense of smell, and improved access of nasal sprays/rinses to clean and medicate the sinuses.
Endoscopic sinus surgery performed by BergerHenry ENT offers a long-lasting, safe and gentle cure for nasal blockages.
BergerHenry ENT was one of the first medical groups in the Delaware Valley to train in endoscopic sinus surgery and, as pioneers in the field of advanced ENT, we developed a less invasive procedure with minimal downtime.
Our endoscopic sinus surgery procedures are performed on an out-patient basis under local sedation/anesthesia. There is little discomfort and no expected bruising or swelling. No external changes are made. In addition, as a minimally invasive procedure, in most cases no nasal packing is required.
Endoscopic sinus surgery is covered by medical insurance.
Using the latest technology, we successfully detect and treat chronic sinus diseases that were previously left undiagnosed through routine x-rays and physical examinations. The result is early detection and advanced treatment of affected sinus areas.

How Is Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Performed?
BergerHenry ENT has performed thousands of endoscopic sinus surgeries that have helped countless people enjoy relief from chronic sinus pain. During the procedure, a very thin rod with a camera and light at the end is gently and safely inserted into the nasal passages and sinuses. Specialized instruments such as a balloon then open the sinuses and remove the cause of the sinus blockage.
Nasal Irrigation After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
We typically advise a nasal irrigation regimen after endoscopic sinus surgery to prevent infection and to remove any mucus buildup, allergens, or debris that may have collected in the nasal cavity. A nasal rinse contains saline, or saltwater, which reduces mucus membrane inflammation and also re-moisturizes your sinus lining.
Common nasal irrigation systems include bulb syringes, neti pots, and syringes. They may contain medication as prescribed by your doctor.
Additional Benefits of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
About 80% of people have a deviated nasal septum due to genetics, injury or trauma. A deviated septum can block one side of your nasal passage which can compromise airflow, create breathing difficulties, and potentially lead to snoring and sleep apnea. If a deviated septum is diagnosed, we can perform a septoplasty which will correct the deviation during endoscopic sinus surgery.
Balloon Sinuplasty is an Alternative to Traditional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Balloon Sinuplasty relieves chronic sinusitis by using a FDA-approved balloon to open clogged and inflamed sinuses. It’s performed in the office, is minimally-invasive, safe, and effective, and does not require packing. Patients can expect to return to normal activity in 24-48 hours. It is an insurance-covered procedure.
PROPEL® Mometasone Furoate Implant
As a leading Philadelphia ENT Center, BergerHenry ENT is on the cutting edge of providing improved surgical outcomes for chronic sinus sufferers with the PROPEL® Mometasone Furoate Implant. After the implant is placed into the sinus following sinus surgery, significant decreases in scarring and inflammation result. In addition, the need for additional surgical procedures is reduced as is the need for oral steroids and their potential accompanying side effects.
How the PROPEL® Implant Works
It acts like a spring by propping open the sinus which, in turn, maintains the surgical opening. The implant then delivers medication directly into the sinus lining to prevent inflammation and to decrease scarring. There is no need to remove it because it dissolves after having accomplished its goal. The PROPEL® implant is the newest and best in the business. There’s no question that this is an advance that we were looking for. This is an added bonus that has worked fabulously well to prevent the recurrence of sinusitis and to help us heal the patients faster and more effectively. Another important advantage to PROPEL® is that its anti-inflammatory medication is targeted to the sinus lining whereas the ingestion of pills can affect the entire system.
View an animation video that shows you how the PROPEL® Mometasone Furoate Implant works and the reasons it relieves chronic sinusitis.
PROPEL® Mometasone Furoate Implant Patient Review
Listen to Michael, a patient who received the PROPEL® Mometasone Furoate Sinus Implant, describe how he now breathes better, how his ears are clear, how his headaches have gone away, and how his sinusitis has disappeared – all due to the Implant.
If you have questions or need additional information about Endoscopic Sinus Surgery or the PROPEL® Mometasone Furoate Implant, you are invited to contact our offices.
Download Our PROPEL® Mometasone Furoate Implant Brochure. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader to download these PDFs’, please click here.
What Our Patients Are Saying About Chronic Sinus Infection Treatment and Surgery
Watch as a patient discusses the successful results of his Balloon Sinuplasty procedure, performed by Dr. Todd Morehouse. Balloon Sinuplasty, a state-of-the-art chronic sinus infection surgery, is an alternative for patients with chronic sinus pain that includes breathing difficulty, chronic headaches, congestion, and nose bleeding.
Do You Suffer from Post Nasal Drip?
Are you suffering from the recurrent feeling of mucus in your throat? Do you feel like you have difficulty clearing your nose or throat of mucus? Many people suffer from postnasal drip, oftentimes due to allergies, sinus inflammation or an anatomical obstruction. Learn more.
Did you know that chronic sinusitis, when accompanied by nasal polyps, asthma and aspirin sensitivity, is known as AERD? Learn more about Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease.