Spring is here and allergies are in full bllom. Do you feel like as soon as the trees begin to come alive again that your allergy symptoms come alive, as well?

From itchy, watery eyes to a runny nose, allergy sufferers know just how frustrating this time of year can be. However, if you step back and look at your allergy symptoms, ask yourself if they are around more often than just during spring time? More than two-thirds of spring allergy sufferers are actually plagued by these symptoms all year round.

Allergy Symptoms

Typical symptoms of seasonal allergies include itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, nasal congestion, postnasal drip, fatigue, headaches or recurrent sinus infections.

Causes of Allergies

There are many different causes of allergies, from house dust and dust mites to pollen, and, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology,
mold, as well. These allergy triggers are present all year long and in order to figure out just what you are allergic to, some patients keep a journal throughout the year to document certain triggers, from change of season to a specific flower growing in their front yard every spring. Some patients realize when they leave their everyday environment for travel, their allergies may actually get much better or much worse! If you are uncertain of what you may be allergic to, allergy testing can be very beneficial to determine your triggers.

How to Treat Allergies

A variety of options are available for treating allergies. Paying attention to the pollen count is always important as one may want to avoid heavy outside time when the count is high. It is always important to keep the windows and doors closed during high pollen counts, as well. If you are working outside, change your clothes when you come inside to prevent spreading pollen on your furniture or bed as that will continue your exposure inside your home. Continuing in the same vein, leave your shoes at the doorway and take a showe so you don’t track pollen inside. If you’re mowing the lawn, wear a N95 filter mask rated by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Over-the-counter medications including oral antihistamines, saline spray and sinus rinse are options in treating symptoms.

Prescription strength nasal steroid sprays, nasal antihistamines and oral antihistamines are also available.

Depending on the severity of your allergy symptoms, some patients are also candidates for immunotherapy, including allergy shots or sublingual drops.

Finally, various surgical procedures are also available to treat nasal congestion, post nasal drip and recurrent sinusitis.

At Berger Henry ENT Speciality Group, our board certified Ear, Nose and Throat specialists are here to diagnose and treat your allergy symptoms.